I bought my first juicer in 2011 and it was definitely not love at first sight. The taste was great, but the cleaning of the juicer was not. As a result I was definitely a bit hit, miss and maybe about the whole thing
Even though I’ve since had amazing results:
got rid of a pesky cyst I’d had for three decades, despite having had it ‘removed’ surgically;
better skin;
better hair;
beat a scary medical diagnosis (I did more than just juice, but all totally natural and non-medical)
I still have mental battles to start a new juice fast (a period of time where I only consume homemade juice or water). But juicing is a great way to get your daily fruit and veg quota up
I know there was a ‘five a day’ theory; which was a misprint and should have actually said ‘ten a day’! When I want a health boost I aim to have twenty portions – an apple, orange or carrot is one
I’m sure putting your twenty a day into a pile on the side will make you realise it’s a lofty goal to get through such a food mountain. Even spread over all your meals
When I go for it, or as a healthy meal replacement when I’m eating regularly – to boost my quota, this is one of my all-time favourite juices:
What you need:
Ingredients (preferably organic):
Half a pineapple 🍍
Two apples (any type/colour) 🍏🍎
One lime 🍋 (I know that's the wrong emoji. Can you believe they don't have a lime!)
Half a cucumber 🥒
One (or two if they’re small) avocado 🥑🥑
Teaspoon of spirulina powder
Teaspoon of chlorella powder
Juice the pineapple, apples, lime and cucumber – take the skin off the pineapple, remove the stalk of the apple (you can juice the pips) and peel the lime
Blend the juice with the flesh of the avocado, the spirulina and the chlorella
Drink and enjoy!
It looks like pond slime, but don't be discouraged. It tastes amazing 😋😃😋